Recruiter Rewards Program
Illinois State Medical Society and Chicago Medical Society Recruiter Rewards Program
What is the Recruiter Rewards Progam?
The Recruiter Rewards Program allows members to receive rebates on their membership dues through the direct recruitment of other physicians as members.
How many members do I need to recruit, and how much is the rebate?
2 New Members 15% Dues Rebate
3 New Members 30% Dues Rebate
4 New Members 50% Dues Rebate
5 New Members 75% Dues Rebate
6 or More New Members 100% Dues Rebate
Note: Student and resident recruiters will be given flexible gift certificates in lieu of rebates.
Who is eligible?
Those eligible as recruiters are individual physicians, groups with nine or fewer physicians, and groups of 10 or more physicians that do not participate in the Group Dues Program. ISMS and CMS officers and trustees are not eligible for this program.
Who qualifies as a new member?
For the recruiting member to receive the “dues discount credit” for a new member, all newly recruited physicians must:
- Be dues-paying members; recruitment for a non-dues paying membership category is not counted toward a recruiter dues discount credit.
- Be a first-time member or a reinstated member whose membership was not active for one full year.
- Include the recruiting member’s name on their membership application. In counties where the county medical society receives the membership application, the county medical society is responsible for advising ISMS of recruiting members.
Note: Physicians recruited after June 1 who pay half-year dues will not initially count toward their recruiter’s discount until they pay their full-year membership dues the following year. Once this payment ismade, the discount for the recruiter will be applied toward the following membership year.
Can I opt out of my rebate?
Yes, member recruiters may waive their allotted discount if they so desire, in favor of an equal amount contribution made in their name to the Illinois State Medical Society Political Action Committee (IMPAC).
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