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The Arrival of Clinical Informatics

Meaningful use is one outcome of this new medical subspecialty by Abel Kho, MD, MS

The Arrival of Clinical Informatics - Read More…

What is ERISA?

Profound effects on insurance reimbursement by Mark D DeBofsky, JD

What is ERISA? - Read More…

All Politics is Local

Chicago Medical Society's Key Contacts Program

All Politics is Local - Read More…

Health Care Catapulted to Forefront

A word to students, residents, fellows by Kavita Shah, MD

Health Care Catapulted to Forefront - Read More…


September 7, 2012: A Chicago White Sox game for CMS medical students, residents, and young physicians.


President’s Message

(August 2012) The Supreme Court and Healthcare

President’s Message - Read More…

The Regulation of Hospital Medical Staff

(August 2012) What new federal regulations mean for your hospital

The Regulation of Hospital Medical Staff - Read More…

Stroke in Women

(August 2012) Higher morbidity and mortality?

Stroke in Women - Read More…

The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

October 10, 2012: : The Supreme Court’s Decision & Implications for Your Medical Practice

The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (PPACA) - Read More…

Healthcare Fraud Prevention Panel

September 19, 2012: What Providers & Their Practice Managers Need to Know

Healthcare Fraud Prevention Panel - Read More…

Exposure to Traumatic Events

September 27, 2012: What You Need to Know to Improve Patient Care

Exposure to Traumatic Events - Read More…

CMS Council Meeting

February 19, 2019 Maggiano's 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

CMS Council Meeting - Read More…

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