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Committee for Academic Physicians

Purpose: The Committee for Academic Physicians was created by CMS to improve CMS’ representation of physicians involved in academic medicine. There are unique regulatory and financial issues that impact academic physicians, and the Committee was established to provide a forum to address this issue. The Committee is responsible for researching the feasibility of implementing policies, activities and services that ultimately enable CMS to better serve the needs and interests of the academic physicians.


  • Chrisantha E Anandappa  MD (Chair)
  • Carissa J Tyo  MD (Chair)
  • Shehzad Ali  MD
  • Dimitri T Azar  MD
  • Christine P Bishof  MD
  • Clarence W Brown Jr. MD
  • Jacquelynne P Corey  MD
  • Michael H Davidson  MD
  • W Paul Dmowski PHD MD
  • Peter E Doris  MD
  • Ankit I Mehta  MD
  • Vemuri S Murthy  MD
  • Karen O'Mara  DO
  • Neha A Rao
  • J Regan Thomas  MD
  • Maria M Tsoukas  MD
  • Eva M Wojcik  MD

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