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Council of Medical Staff Leadership

Purpose: In response to the growing demands on medical staff leadership, CMS has formed a Council of Medical Staff Leadership (CMSL), which is designed to address your needs and interests.  Our goal is to be a valuable resource to you and your hospital and to focus on the unique issues affecting hospital medical staffs.  This council is composed of medical staff Presidents, Presidents-elect, Secretaries, and representatives of the American Medical Association’s Organized Medical Staff Section.  Some of the services we offer include: quarterly meetings to discuss issues affecting hospitals, the development of educational programs, newsletters informing staff about important medical, legal and legislative issues and research on issues of interest or concern.


  • Marc A Silver  MD  (Chair)
  • Dimitri T Azar  MD
  • Christine P Bishof  MD
  • Clarence W Brown Jr. MD
  • Jacquelynne P Corey  MD
  • Rushil D Desai
  • James R Diesfeld  MD
  • Barbara G Jericho  MD
  • Joseph L Murphy  MD
  • Vemuri S Murthy  MD
  • Neha A Rao
  • Maria M Tsoukas  MD
  • Eva M Wojcik  MD
  • Edward A Wojcik  MD

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