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Membership / IMG Committee

Purpose: To develop strategic plans for the recruitment and retention of all members, including resident and student members on an ongoing basis; to review all applications for new membership, status change requests, waiver dues and transfers, and to report recommendations to the Council; To review physicians who have resigned or forfeited their membership and wish to be reinstated. To support any measures that will encourage the complete integration of IMGs into American medical practice; to represent the views and issues of concern to IMGs to the Medical Society and the IMG community.


  • Michael A Hanak  MD (Chair)
  • Dimitri T Azar  MD
  • Christine P Bishof  MD
  • Clarence W Brown Jr. MD
  • W Paul Dmowski PHD MD
  • Amber C May  MD
  • Vemuri S Murthy  MD
  • Rana Z Tariq  MD

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