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Past President Thomas M. Anderson, MD 2011-2012

Dr. Anderson is board-certified in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine.  He is on staff at Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, where he chaired the Department of Radiology for 20 years and is now a consulting radiologist.  He is also a senior attending for Radiological Physicians, Ltd., in Chicago.   On the academic side, Dr. Anderson is a clinical assistant professor of diagnostic radiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he has received a resident Teacher of the Year award for each of the past three years.

A graduate of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Anderson completed his internship and residency at the University of Chicago Hospitals.  He served his fellowship at both the U of C and Michael Reese Hospitals.  He holds subspecialty certification in pediatric radiology and neuroradiology.  Dr. Anderson is a diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners, American Board of Nuclear Medicine, and a fellow of the American College of Radiology.

A CMS member since 1972, Dr. Anderson served as a councilor from the Chicago Radiological Society (1993-2005) before completing four terms as CMS treasurer and one year as president-elect.  His past service includes chairing multiple committees:  Budget, Investment, Resolutions Reference, and Credentials/Elections.  Other committee assignments included:  Healthcare Economics, Nominating, Bylaws/Policy, Election, Task Force on Professional Liability Insurance, and Building.  Dr. Anderson continues to serve on the Long-Range Planning Committee, Committee on Committees, and Continuing Medical Education Committee.   As CMS president, he is a member of the Board of Trustees and Editorial Advisory Staff.  He is a current delegate to ISMS.

Active in ISMS since 1975, Dr. Anderson serves as a district trustee and on the Council on Economics.  He previously served on the Medical Legal Council, Council on Medical Service, and the Committee on CME Activities.

Dr. Anderson is a member of the Illinois Radiological Society and a former president of the Chicago Radiology Society, which presented him with the Distinguished Service Award, the Society’s gold medal for service to organized medicine on both the state and national level.   Dr. Anderson has also served as a diagnostic radiology representative to the Medicare (Combined Medical Systems) Carrier Advisory Committee since 1996, and as an oral board examiner in musculoskeletal imaging for the American Board of Radiology since 1994.  He currently is serving a three-year appointment by the ABR to the Board advisory committee on the maintenance of certification process that provides ongoing re-credentialing for all U.S. radiologists.

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Founded in 1850 to serve physicians in Cook County, the Chicago Medical Society encourages medical professionalism; supports continuing medical education; promotes public health; and provides timely information to members.  Membership is comprised of nearly 7,000 professionals who reside in or practice in Cook County.  Representing all medical specialties, including practice managers, the Chicago Medical Society encourages all medical students, residents, physicians in active practice, academicians, retired physicians, and practice managers, to apply for membership.

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