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Past President Vemuri S. Murthy, MD 2017-2018

Dr. Vemuri S. Murthy is the incoming President of the Chicago Medical Society (2017-18), a past President of the Indian American Medical Association, Illinois, and former Chairman of the Anesthesiology Department at West Suburban Medical Center, Oak Park, Illinois.

Dr. Murthy has been a member of the Chicago Medical Society since 1983, serving the organization in different capacities such as the District 5 President and Trustee, Vice-Chair and Chair of the CMS Council and Board Trustee, and as a Delegate of Illinois State Medical Society. He is the founder of the Chicago Medical Society’s community CPR awareness Project SMILE (Saving More Illinois Lives through Education). A former visiting scholar at Harvard (STRATUS), Dr. Murthy is the President of Global Resuscitation Consulting, LLC.

Dr. Murthy, a resuscitation educator, is a member of the International Committee of the American Heart Association (AHA), a national and international teaching faculty, visiting University Professor and advisor of the Medical University Resuscitation Training Programs in India. He is also currently leading a National Community CPR Project in India.

Dr. Murthy is the recipient of several US and International Awards such as Chicago Medical Society’s Henrietta Herbolsheimer Public Service Award, Global Health Champion Award of Global Health Consortium, Distinguished Physician and Lifetime Achievement Awards of Indian American Medical Association, Illinois.

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