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Council of Medical Staff Leadership

In response to the growing demands on medical staff leadership, the Chicago Medical Society (CMS) has formed a Council of Medical Staff Leadership (CMSL), which is designed to address your needs and interests.  It is our goal to be a valuable resource to you and your hospital.  This council is composed of medical staff Presidents, Presidents-elect, Secretaries, and representatives of the American Medical Association’s Organized Medical Staff Section and focuses on issues affecting hospital medical staffs. 

We have developed the following services to assist you:

  • Quarterly meetings to facilitate conversations on medical staff issues and assist with developing educational programs structured to your needs and interests;
  • Quarterly newsletters that will provide information specific to hospital medical staffs in Illinois, including medical/legal issues, legislation and legislative/judicial elections;
  • Research conducted by CMS and the Illinois State Medical Society (ISMS) that will provide talking points based on the interests and needs of hospital medical staff leadership.

Please note you do not need to be a member of CMS to participate in this Council.

Register now to become a member of CMSL and to receive information on future meetings and services.

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