CMS President's Message
Happy new year to all CMS members and physicians concerned about the events that affect your practice of medicine. We hope the latter group will join us in 2012 as we confront a variety of state and federal challenges that require an answer from the doctors who care for patients. We must avoid the destructive effects of large government bureaucracies that are broke, that know nothing about caring for sick people, and imagine that budgets can be balanced by redirecting money paid to doctors, in the hope of improving the bottom line.
Your Chicago Medical Society is pleased to offer two new initiatives that we hope you will find valuable and informative:
- The new CMS website is now functional at We now have the capacity for online committee meetings as well as password-protected blogs that allow the exchange of ideas and information among members. Log on and give your feedback!
- In February 2012, we will launch the inaugural revised edition of Chicago Medicine, which, going forward, will replace what is in your hands now. Beyond the four-color presentation you will find new editorial content. We will feature regular contributions from professionals who cover issues of economics, regulation, and medical-legal affairs. There will be advance notices of the many CMS programs that have proved popular and informative to doctors and medical office managers in the past.
Our hope is that you, the members, will find stimulating articles that encourage interest in change, as well as avenues for confronting the restrictions that clearly hamper and ultimately threaten to destroy our ability to care for patients. Chicago Medicine will be mailed to your home. Keep an eye out for it. Page through it. Let us know how we can make it better!
Thomas M. Anderson, MD
Chicago Medical Society
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