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Legislative Mini-Internship Program

The Chicago Medical Society (CMS) has set up a program through the Illinois State Medical Society (ISMS) in which state legislators shadow a physician for a day. This program allows legislators to personally experience the practice of medicine, create a future resource for legislators on health policy issues, inform the legislator of problems and challenges facing health care delivery in Illinois and counter any inaccurate preconceptions legislators may have regarding health care.

2012 Legislative Mini-Internship Programs:

The Chicago Medical Society's Mini-Internship Program has
expanded its scope.

More articles on stroke awareness:
Chicago Medicine May 2012 article
Chicago Medicine July 2012 article

2011 Legislative Mini-Internship Programs:

2010 Legislative Mini-Internship Programs:

2009 Legislative Mini-Internship Programs:

2008 Legislative Mini-Internship Programs:

For information on the CMS Legislative Mini-internship Program, contact Christine Fouts (312) 670-2550, ext. 326; or email:

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