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OSHA Workshop June

June 19, 2019 NorthShore Health System Hospital Registration 9:30 AM Lecture 10:00 AM to Noon

OSHA Workshop June - Read More…

OSHA Workshop Dec

December 6, 2016 Registration 9:30 AM Lecture 10:00 AM to Noon

OSHA Workshop Dec - Read More…

OSHA Workshop Sept

September 23, 2020 @ 10:00 AM to Noon

OSHA Workshop Sept - Read More…

OSHA Workshop April

April 18, 2018 Advocate Christ Medical Center Registration 9:30 AM Lecture 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

OSHA Workshop April - Read More…

OSHA Workshop Oct

October 12, 2016 Chicago Medical Society Building Registration 9:30 AM Lecture 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

OSHA Workshop Oct - Read More…


May 20, 2020 Advocate Christ Medical Center Registration 9:30 AM Lecture 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

OSHA Workshop May*CANCELLED* - Read More…

President’s Message

On the national scene the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether and in what form the Court will consider the constitutional issues raised by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act...

President’s Message - Read More…

CMS offers cornucopia of clinical, practice-based lectures

Members enjoyed an expanded array of lectures and workshops this year, both virtual and on-site...

CMS offers cornucopia of clinical, practice-based lectures - Read More…

Insurance coding exchange to benefit members

At members’ behest, CMS is building a service to help the medical team avoid coding pitfalls that can end up costing time and money...

Insurance coding exchange to benefit members - Read More…

HHS delays stage 2 meaningful use requirements

To encourage faster adoption of EMRs, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services delayed the Stage 2 requirements for Medicare and Medicaid EHR Meaningful Use Incentive Programs from 2013 to 2014...

HHS delays stage 2 meaningful use requirements - Read More…

Volunteers needed to spread word: “hands-only” CPR saves lives

Many people die needlessly from sudden cardiac arrest. Please consider giving a few hours of your time...

Volunteers needed to spread word: “hands-only” CPR saves lives - Read More…

Site Info

Link to page providing more information about this website

Site Info - Read More…

Advocacy in action: CMS leaders represent you on Capitol Hill

On their advocacy mission to Washington, DC, CMS leaders gave voice to the frustrations and concerns of thousands of colleagues in Cook County, while honoring those who earned awards for exceptional service to patients and their profession.

Advocacy in action: CMS leaders represent you on Capitol Hill - Read More…

CMS Physicians Major Players at House of Delegates Meeting

Relaying the concerns of all physicians in Cook County, your CMS colleagues actively shaped new policies emerging from the annual meeting of the ISMS House of Delegates.

CMS Physicians Major Players at House of Delegates Meeting - Read More…

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